Business Logo

For the company logo, I had a difficult time picking which company to create a logo for. I dabbled with some of the other companies, but didn't like what I had come up with. It wasn't until I started to create Green Acres Landscaping logo that something started to look well put together. I chose the color green for the font because it represents both the company's name and grass, which is a very important element in landscaping. I created the line underneath the type with a rectangle and decided to have it a brighter green, as if the company's name was sitting on top of fresh mowed grass.

I decided to make the three trees because I thought the simple type and rectangle weren't enough. Again, the tree trunks are made from rectangles and the tree tops are made from ellipses and using the direct selection tool to create the irregular shape. I decided to make the "p" in landscaping to be lopsided because when I think of landscaping work, I think of someone smoothing out the rough spots of a lawn. I thought it also added an interesting angle to what could have been a boring logo. Even though it is hard to read at a glance at one inch, I am very pleased with the design of this company's logo.