Business Card

I designed the logo for Creative Concepts' Business Card by creating a painter's palette with the six primary colors on them. I thought this was a good representation of not only graphic design, but of an artist's business. I created the palette by using the ellipse tool and bringing in the sides of the circle. I created the paint daubs by using the ellipse tool again and forming the same size circles six times.

I colored each circle a corresponding color to that of the first six colors in the rainbow. While designing the palette, I thought it looked more like a capital "c" than a typical painter's palette. I rotated it until it was in the proper shape as a "c" and used it as the first letter of the logo. For a business card, I think simpler is better than clutter so I just included name, company position, address and contact information. Overall, I am fairly pleased with my final product for Creative Concepts Business Card.